Plot: Murder Music: A History of Black Metal is a 2007 heavy metal music documentary aired on British pay-per-view channel Rockworld TV. Murder Music centers around the controversial black metal subgenre. Wikipedia
Plot: For years Patty was overweight, which caused her to be bullied, ignored and underestimated by the people around her. But she is now thin and seeking revenge against those who ever made her feel bad about herself through fat-shaming. Enter Bob Armstrong, a disgraced attorney with a passion for coaching...
Plot: This documentary takes a behind-the-scenes look at the controversial Norwegian black metal scene of the 1990s, an idealistic and innovative musical movement marred by jealous infighting and an unfortunate campaign of public violence. Drummer Leif Gylve "Fenriz" Nagell of Darkthrone and Varg Vikernes...
Plot: Headbangers, unite! It's a "Metal Evolution," courtesy of the same production team that made the 2005 documentary "Metal: A Headbanger's Journey." One of those producers, Canadian anthropologist and filmmaker Sam Dunn, also is involved here as host of the 11-episode docu-series, which follows Dunn...
Plot: The town of Longhead Bay is forced to confront an invasion of alien forehead creatures that descend en masse. At the same time, local scientist Dr. Sheila Bexter (Fay Masterson) is conducting experiments based on her theory that human intelligence is stored in the forehead. To prove this, she creates...