Plot: Natural World is a strand of British wildlife documentary programmes broadcast on BBC Two and BBC Two HD and regarded by the BBC as its flagship natural history series. It is the longest-running documentary in its genre on British television, with nearly 500 episodes broadcast since its inception in...
Plot: The Encore Series are concert recordings developed initially in 2002 through a partnership between The Who and The series was created as legal alternative to bootlegs of major artists' complete concert tours. Each series is authorised by the artists, and recorded directly from the artists...
Plot: In the varied forms of veterinary medicine, Dr. Susan Kelleher's practice may be one of the more unusual. Known as Dr. K, she runs South Florida's Broward Avian and Exotics Animal Hospital, and this series follows the staff as it cares for rabbits, ferrets, foxes, fish, birds, reptiles, marsupials,...
Plot: Given how rapidly technology and intelligence have advanced humankind in the past 10 years, one can't help but wonder how different the world may be in another 10 years. National Geographic, however, is thinking big. The six-part docudrama `Year Million' paints a visual story of what it will be like...
Plot: Pete Riley is a 17-year-old who lands a part-time job at a multiplex in his neighbourhood. He and his friends are excited when it's announced that the theatre will play host to the premier of a major motion picture, with a number of Hollywood celebrities in attendance. However, when the big night comes...
Plot: The words Disney and happiness go hand-in-hand. And in "Disney Fairytale Wedding" some couples take their fairy tale romance to the next level by having their dream weddings at some of the happiest places on Earth. Some begin at the very beginning -- with hidden camera engagements -- and showcase the...
Plot: Kirby Buckets' dream is to become an animator. He, along with Fish and Eli, goes on various adventures as his drawings transform into real creatures and objects.
Plot: A look behind the operational scenes of Dubai International's three massive terminals, following 60,000 staff as they work hard to keep the facility safe and secure.
Plot: Colin Stafford-Johnson journeys through one of the most bewitching islands in the world featuring the wildlife and wild places that make it so special.
Plot: This series presents a countdown of how animals rank in terms of specific categories. Each episode ranks critters on a certain attribute, such as speed, strength and jumping ability. Many episodes feature more-unique categories, with names that include oddities and gross outs.
Plot: Australian host Steve Irwin and his wife Terri run a wildlife refuge. Their shared passion is educating the world about wildlife, including the much feared crocodile and numerous venomous snakes. Steve's speciality is the capture and relocation of crocodiles. No animal appears too threatening to Steve...
Plot: Ocean's Deadliest is a nature documentary hosted by Philippe Cousteau Jr. and Steve Irwin. It was the final documentary made by Irwin by the time of his death, which occurred during filming. Wikipedia
Plot: The members of the world-famous Irwin family deal with various challenges and struggles at the Australia Zoo as they follow their patriarch's footsteps in taking care of animals.