Plot: When World War I broke out in 1914, The ottoman Caliphate decided to take part in it to defend the islamic countries against the invading troops. This movie is telling about the bravery of the ottoman youth to maintain Istanbul against the armies of The United kingdom, France, Australia, and New Zealand...
Plot: Dadi is a Turkish remake of The Nanny, one of the most successful sitcoms in the US in the 90's. The program is set in Istanbul. It is broadcast to countries outside Turkey such as Australia, where it is shown on SBS. Wikipedia
Plot: Eren, Seda, Merve and Yunus are four friends who met a year ago when they were studying at university. In their first year of class, Seda meets her childhood friend Gizem. Seda and Gizem, from the first moment they come together as in the old days are connected to each other. However, the balances in...
Plot: Mehmet Ozan Dolunay works as a police man he wants to show his boss taht he is responsible and good at his job so his boss (Yusuf Gökhan Atalay) requires him an undercover mission at a high school to do so him and his two friends go and at the same time the bosses daughter (Bahar sahin) wants to be...