Plot: In this unique take on British history, Professor Alice Roberts explores Britain's rich and varied past through the stories of individual towns. In each programme Alice studies key periods in British history by delving into the secrets of historic towns. Alice combines the bigger national picture with...
Plot: This six-part series brings to life some of the biggest, meanest dinosaurs ever to roam the planet, as scientists piece together what these mysterious creatures looked like, how they behaved, what they ate ... and what ate them, using fossil clues and modern analogues. Also, CGI technology places these...
Plot: Geologist Iain Stewart demonstrates the power of plants and the crucial role they have played in the Earth's evolution. The three-part series reveals how plants harnessed light from the sun and created our life-giving atmosphere; formed the fertile soil allowing life to come ashore; created the planet...
Plot: English historian Michael Wood explores China's heritage in this travelogue series. The presenter goes back in time to discover the stories and people who have shaped the landscape, and the culture, of today's superpower. Wood begins his journey in Wuxi, where 300 relatives of the Qin family congregate...
Plot: The Life of Mammals is a nature documentary series written and presented by David Attenborough, first transmitted in the United Kingdom from 20 November 2002. Wikipedia
Plot: From a purely biological standpoint, cold-blooded amphibians and reptiles long have commanded the respect of scientists for their sheer resilience, if nothing else. These animals dominated the world for an estimated 200 million years, and today, more than 14,000 species of them still thrive. This BAFTA...
Plot: Hosted by British TV personality Jimmy Doherty, this documentary series from the BBC goes behind the scenes at the Natural History Museum to unearth the groundbreaking work of the museum's 300 scientists who are solving mysteries and making discoveries among the historic collections.
Plot: Genghis Khan is a Hong Kong television series based on the life of Genghis Khan, the founder of the Mongol Empire in the 13th century. The series was first broadcast on TVB Jade in Hong Kong in 1987. An alternative Chinese title for the series is å¤§æ¼ è±éå³....
Plot: David Attenborough hunts fossils and what they reveal, showing dramatic finds, ancient interpretations, and methods of exposing fossils and reconstructing extinct animals.
Plot: Chefs Ken Hom and Ching-He Huang both have deep personal connections to China. In this programme, they take viewers on a culinary adventure around the country. On the 5000-mile journey of rediscovery that takes them from the country's megacities to the forgotten villages in the western part of the...