Plot: This series of episodes culled from the vast library of the late Bob Ross ("The Joy of Painting") features the soft-spoken host sharing his painting techniques, including his "wet-on-wet" technique, and creating some of his best-loved scenes. From a cabin in the majestic mountains or a covered bride...
Plot: Award-winning journalist Burt Wolf leads viewers in educational jaunts around the globe in this series that combines the joy of traveling with related explorations of history, culture and cuisine. In each unique location that he visits, Wolf reveals the influences of foreign traditions, investigates...
Plot: Yoga can be challenging, especially for beginners who may be apprehensive about trying something that they think is too daunting. Wanting to help those who are new to the exercise, fitness instructor Sarah Starr created an easier routine. Happy Yoga, as she calls it, is a modified program using chairs...
Plot: Grammy winner Ray Stevens is known for the combination of comedy and music that he has been performing for more than 50 years. Despite being in his 70s, he's still going strong with this variety program in which he welcomes some of the legends of Nashville's music scene. Stevens performs with the guest...
Plot: A look around some of Britain's most beautiful stately homes and best-kept heritage secrets with its sumptuous interiors and magnificent furnishings.
Plot: A garden can be much more than just a place for planting flowers or growing assorted vegetables. Host P. Allen Smith shares his years of expertise and design flair to help viewers create actual garden rooms, which can be used for different functions such as dining, entertaining and playing. These sp...
Plot: Chef Nick Stellino presents his most cherished recipes as he revisits dishes inspired by his childhood in Sicily. Filmed at his Los Angeles home, Stellino brings Italian classics to life in a way that's easy to follow and easy to replicate. In each episode, Stellino highlights a utensil or ingredient...
Plot: Detectives and forensic experts recount the most extraordinary cold cases that were solved using the revolutionary technique of familial DNA testing.