Plot: Cinta 7 Susun is an Indonesian soap opera musical comedy drama produced by SinemArt that aired daily on RCTI at 18:00pm. This is an autobiography that tells of the journey formation personnel 7icons because of where they lived in the Flats which will soon be evicted, through their stories in the form...
Plot: Set at East High School, "High School Musical: The Musical: The Series" introduces members of the drama club and their faculty advisers as they work their way toward the opening night of their school's first-ever production of "High School Musical: The Musical." New romances blossom, old friendships...
Plot: Dahsyat is an Indonesian television show broadcast daily on Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia. The first episode of Dahsyat aired on 24 March 2008 to 19 January 2018. The show broadcasts subject matter related to music, and each show is two hours long. Wikipedia