Plot: Created by Roland Moore, `Land Girls' follows the lives and loves of four girls away from home, doing their bit for Britain in the Women's Land Army. Set on the Hoxley Manor estate, against the backdrop of war-weary Britain in the 1940s, the series depicts how the girls balance their working lives at...
Plot: The story of Easy Company, 506th Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division from 1942 to the end of World War II. A collection of fifty portraits illustrated by archive footage and recounted in voice.
Plot: Five juvenile offenders with nothing in common find themselves working together on a community service project, and their differing personalities soon cause sparks to fly. But that's nothing compared to what happens when a freak electrical storm hits town. Shortly thereafter, they find that they are...
Plot: The survivors of a plane crash find themselves stranded on a mysterious island. They are forced to work together for their survival when they realise that they are not alone on the island.