Plot: Written, directed by and starring Julia Davis (creator of the original British series "Camping"), "Sally4Ever" is an HBO/Sky Atlantic co-production about a love affair that quickly spirals out of control. Mid-level marketing executive Sally, in an attempt to spice up her personal life, sets in motion...
Plot: This documentary hosted by historian Lucy Worsley explores the key life events of Henry VIII's six wives. Drama reconstructions, written by Chloe Moss, bring the romance, scandal and tragedy of the marriages to life, while Worsley provides her contemporary historical comment as she appears alongside...
Plot: Cerys Matthews examines the contribution of Welsh women to the campaign for the right to be given the vote for the first time 100 years ago in 1918.
Plot: Grayson Perry explores the landmark events in our lives: birth, coming of age, marriage and death. He works alongside people who are going through these universal experiences, to try and reinvent these rites of passage.
Plot: Lucy Worsley explores some of the myths and fibs swirling around the Revolution of 1789 and the uprising that brought down the French royal family. This violent revolution became the blueprint of many future revolutions across the world.
Plot: From Jack the Ripper to the cosy crimes of the Golden Age, renowned historian Lucy Worsley explores the evolution of the typical British murder. A Very British Murder is Lucy Worsley's enthralling exploration of a curious national obsession. ... Google Books