Plot: From creator Sara Gilbert -- who also served as a host and executive producer for the first nine seasons -- "The Talk" features discussion on current events, pop culture, contemporary issues and family. Co-hosts include Sharon Osbourne, Sheryl Underwood, Eve, Carrie Ann Inaba and Marie Osmond. In addition...
Plot: Bianca Γ’ Wege zum GlΓΒΌck was the first German telenovela, developed by the TV production company Grundy UFA. It started on 1 November 2004 and ran until 5 October 2005 on the ZDF. The main characters were Bianca Berger, played by Tanja Wedhorn, and Oliver Wellinghoff, played by Patrik...
Plot: Following the conclusion of his talk show "Rove Live," Australian comic Rove McManus relocates to Los Angeles for his follow-up show, appropriately titled "Rove LA." On the hourlong "Rove LA," the host interviews some of Hollywood's biggest stars, including Justin Timberlake, Hugh Jackman and Kevin...
Plot: A talk show made for the LGBT community, hosts Josh and Sara inform and entertain with a variety of notable guests including authors, performers, musicians and activists.