Plot: Storage Wars is an American reality TV franchise on the A&E Network. The original series, Storage Wars, debuted on December 1, 2010, and ran for 12 seasons. The success of Storage Wars led to A&E commissioning a spin-off series, Storage Wars: Texas, which ran for three seasons, ending in January 2014...
Plot: It wasn't long after the 2010 "Storage Wars" premiere that series star Barry Weiss emerged as a fan favorite. The longtime antiques collector viewed buying the contents of abandoned storage lockers as a hobby, and an auction became the perfect place to display his omnipresent fun-loving, devil-may-...
Plot: When the locker conflicts stop, is there peace at home? "Married to the Job" presents a glimpse of "Storage Wars" stars Brandi Passante and Jarrod Schulz outside of the auction game. At home in Orange County, Calif., the dynamic duo stay busy raising their kids, Cameron and Payton, and managing their...
Plot: "Storage Wars" ranks as A&E's top-rated series of all time -- "Yuuuuup!" -- so it's no surprise the franchise has expanded to include Texas-based characters searching for auction gold. Each half-hour episode follows a group of bidders looking to strike it rich by buying repossessed storage units. They...
Plot: Shows about buying abandoned storage units have multiplied like those that depict life in a pawn shop -- they seem to be around every corner of the TV remote. TruTV jumps into the fray with "Storage Hunters," which follows the exploits of husband and wife team Brandon and Lori Bernier, the so-called...