Plot: The Flintstones were the modern Stone Age family. Residing in Bedrock, Fred Flintstone worked an unsatisfying quarry job, but returned home to lovely wife Wilma and eventually daughter Pebbles. Fred, a big fan of golf and bowling, also enjoyed bullying neighbor Barney Rubble, while Barney's saucy wife...
Plot: Animals, Animals, Animals is a 1976รข1981 educational television series on ABC about animals. The program, produced by ABC News with animated segments produced by Al Brodax, was hosted by Hal Linden. The show aired in most markets at Sunday mornings at 11:30 am Eastern Time. Wikipedia...
Plot: Television's first drama series built around a mentally challenged character, "Life Goes On" chronicles the experiences of the Thacher family, particularly Corky, who has Down syndrome. Although he is 18, Corky is just now being mainstreamed into high school after extensive time in special education...
Plot: Follow the life and hardships of the Walton family consisting of John, Olivia, their seven children and their parents through the Great Depression and World War II.
Plot: Mulligan Stew was an American children's educational television series, produced and sponsored by the USDA Extension Service and its youth outreach program, 4-H. Taking its name from the hobo dish, ... Wikipedia
Plot: Insight is an American religious-themed weekly anthology series that aired in syndication from October 1960 to January 1985. Produced by Paulist Productions in Los Angeles, the series presented half-hour dramas illuminating the contemporary search for meaning, freedom, and love. Wikipedia
Plot: The American Broadcasting Company coined the term after school special in 1972 with a series of television films, usually dealing with controversial or socially relevant issues, that were generally broadcast in the late afternoon and meant to be viewed by school-age children, particularly teenagers...
Plot: A group of people from different paths of life meet at Cheers, a bar run by Sam in Boston. They share their experiences while working and drinking at the bar.
Plot: Set in 1950s and 1960s Milwaukee, this series tells the story of the Cunningham family -- father Howard, mother Marion, son Richie and daughter Joanie. Howard owns a hardware store, while Marion stays at home. Richie's best friends are Potsie and Ralph. Arthur "Fonzie" Fonzarelli is the local bad boy...
Plot: The Hughes, Snyder and Walsh families are the predominant forces in Oakdale, Ill., and they have quite a history. Many of the various family members and friends struggle to do the right thing as they follow their hearts.
Plot: The series focuses on life in Greenwich Village's 12th Precinct station house. Initially, it looks at Capt. Barney Miller and his work and home life, but it gradually becomes about the officers of the precinct, including always-on-the-verge-of-retirement Detective Fish.
Plot: Special Treat is an American anthology series of television specials on NBC that were geared toward teenagers, similar to ABC Afterschool Special. It debuted in 1975 and ran through the 1985รข86 season. It was replaced in the fall of 1986 with Main Street, a discussion program for teens...
Plot: ABC Weekend Special is a weekly 30-minute American television anthology series for children that aired Saturday mornings on ABC from 1977 to 1997, which featured a wide variety of stories that were both live-action and animated. Wikipedia
Plot: Cutthroat presidential advisers get their personal lives hopelessly tangled up with professional duties as they try to conduct the business of running a country. Fictional Democratic President Josiah "Jed" Bartlet suffers no fools, and that policy alienates many. He and his dedicated staffers struggle...
Plot: CBS Schoolbreak Special is an American anthology series for teenagers that aired on CBS from December 1978 to January 1996. The series began under the title CBS Afternoon Playhouse, and was changed during the 1984รข85 season. The concept was similar to ABC's Afterschool Special. Wikipedia...