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Stoffel und Wolfgang
Description: The doll Stoffel lived in the apartment of the man Wolfgang. Stoffel acted like a toddler, while Wolfgang embodies the ideal parental world. Genre: Family Year Released: 1965 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 1 First episode air date: August 8, 1965
Plot: Timm Thaler is a 1979 children's television miniseries based on the 1962 children's novel by German writer James Krüss. The series originally aired in Germany as the first Christmas series on German national broadcaster ZDF. In 1983, the series was acquired for transmission in the United Kingdom...
Plot: Die Sendung mit der Maus is a children's series on German television that has been called "the school of the nation". The show first aired on 7 March 1971. Originally called Lach- und Sachgeschichten für Fernsehanfänger, it was controversial because German law prohibited television for children...
Plot: Löwenzahn is a children's television series produced and aired by German public broadcaster ZDF on German television. Originally conceived and hosted by Peter Lustig, the first episode aired on January 7, 1979, then titled Pusteblume. The first episode of the retitled series Löwenzahn aired on...
Plot: Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl is a German-Austrian-Hungarian children's series. It is based on the character Pumuckl, created by children's book author Ellis Kaut. Wikipedia
Plot: After he is taken into custody following a police fight, troubled city orphan Joey finds new purpose in his life when he moves to the Broken Wheel Ranch. Jim Newton, a recent widower, owns the ranch, and adopts Joey, also giving the boy a beautiful black horse named Fury. The horse frequently saves...
Plot: Ich heirate eine Familie is a television series of German television station ZDF, aired from 1983 to 1986. 14 episodes, including three long episodes were produced. Now these are aired mostly in two parts, so there is a 14 -, as well as a 17 episode version of the series. Wikipedia
Plot: Pan Tau is a character created for a children's television series. There were 33 episodes in 3 series made by the Czechoslovak Television in cooperation with Barrandov Studios and the West German TV network Westdeutscher Rundfunk. A pilot film was shot in 1966, and 33 episodes were made from 1969 until...
Plot: Robbi, Tobbi und das Fliewatüüt is a popular German book for children by Boy Lornsen, first published in 1967. It was adapted into a screen play for television as well as into a radio play and two audio dramas. An audio book exists as well. Wikipedia
Plot: Catweazle is a magician from the time of the Normans who is cast into the future by magic. With the help of two boys he uses magic in an attempt to return to his own time.
Plot: Hallo Spencer is a German children's television series, created by Winfried Debertin and produced by Norddeutscher Rundfunk from 1979 until 2001. Wikipedia
Plot: Rappelkiste was a progressive pedagogic television series for children in Germany. Regarding its general conception and idea, it is very roughly comparable to Sesame Street in the English-speaking world. It was produced by ZDF and originally broadcast every Sunday on 2 pm. Wikipedia
Plot: Neues aus Uhlenbusch is a German television series for children related to the living in the fictive farming village Uhlenbusch. Between 1977 and 1982, a total of 40 episodes were produced by the public broadcasting corporation ZDF. Also a movie was produced in 1980 incorporating three episodes put...
Plot: Der Spatz vom Wallrafplatz was a German television series which was aired by German public broadcaster Westdeutscher Rundfunk from 1969 to 1976. Wikipedia
Plot: Das feuerrote Spielmobil was a German television children's television series, broadcast from April 21, 1972 to July 12, 1981. A total of 184 episodes of the series produced by Bayerischer Rundfunk were broadcast in the afternoon program of ARD. Wikipedia
Plot: Emm wie Meikel is a German television series. It is a puppet show focusing on a bearded mouse character, Meikel Katzengreis. Some later segments included another puppet character named DeMos, the foreign cousin of Meikel. Wikipedia