Plot: The original concept of this drama came from Italian actor Stefano Accorsi, who stars in the series alongside Guido Caprino, Domenico Diele, Miriam Leone, Tea Falco and Alessandro Roja. The story is set during Italy's political corruption in the 1990s which saw the collapse of the First Republic and...
Plot: X Factor Italia is a TV show which airs on prime time in Italy. The singing competition is the Italian version of Britain's The X Factor. It was hosted until Season 4 by Francesco Facchinetti, who has been replaced by Alessandro Cattelan since Season 5. Wikipedia
Plot: L'Isola dei Famosi, is an Italian reality show first aired on Rai 2 in 2003, before moving to Canale 5 in 2015. The first eight seasons of the show were hosted by Simona Ventura: after her departure in June 2011 to Sky Italia, the programme underwent a big change in format. Wikipedia
Plot: Canzonissima was an Italian musical variety show broadcast by Rai 1 from 1958 to 1974, aired on Saturday evening except for the last two editions in which it was aired on Sunday afternoon. The program was referred to as "the synthesis and the model of comparison of the Italian television variety"....
Plot: Quelli che... Il Calcio is an Italian entertainment show currently presented by duo Luca e Paolo and Mia Ceran. The show's best known presenter was Simona Ventura, who presented it from 2001 to 2011. The show is broadcast by Rai Due on Sunday afternoons during the Serie A season. Wikipedia