Plot: Actor Ross Kemp is back with another documentary series, this time focusing on people around the world involved in illicit trading and other heinous crimes. In each episode, the former `EastEnders' actor confronts criminals responsible for drug dealing, human trafficking, murder and rape, and he also...
Plot: This real-life crime programme features detectives from across the UK in the `Crimewatch' studio to take viewers' calls in an attempt to solve some of Britain's biggest unsolved cases. The show, which usually airs a new episode every month or two, also features crimes caught on camera in a CCTV roundup...
Plot: Panorama is a British current affairs documentary programme aired on BBC Television. First broadcast in 1953, it is the world's longest-running news television programme. Panorama has been presented by many well known BBC presenters, including Richard Dimbleby, Robin Day, David Dimbleby and Jeremy Vine...
Plot: World in Action was a British investigative current affairs programme made by Granada Television for ITV from 7 January 1963 until 7 December 1998. Its campaigning journalism frequently had a major impact on events of the day. Wikipedia
Plot: Reconstructions, interviews and archival material is key in this documentary series, which offers viewers an in-depth look into the circumstances surrounding and investigations into some of the most horrendous crimes in Britain. From the case of Stephen Griffiths, the so-called Crossbow Cannibal, and...
Plot: Genealogy series in which well-known people trace their family tree, often travelling to different areas and other countries to follow in their ancestors' footsteps. Family secrets and forgotten stories are revealed, sometimes confirming the celebrity's previous ideas, but often completely subverting...
Plot: Actor and investigative journalist Ross Kemp's award-winning documentary series focuses on the world's gang culture. Each episode sees Kemp talking with gang members in a specific city, where he attempts to establish a relationship that leads to an interview with the gang's leaders. Also heard from...
Plot: A century ago, more than one million British people worked as servants, but they have largely been forgotten in the time since then. Social historian Dr Pamela Cox, the great-granddaughter of servants, is trying to prevent their stories from being lost to time. In this three-part series, Cox uncovers...
Plot: The Scheme is a BBC Scotland BAFTA-award winning documentary series which follows the lives of six families in the Onthank and Knockinlaw housing schemes in Kilmarnock. Wikipedia
Plot: An inside look into the jobs of the high court enforcement officers who are responsible for getting people to pay their judgements or seize their goods.
Plot: Britain's most notorious villains and crooks - `faces', as they are sometimes called - who have made headlines over the past 50 years are introduced in this documentary. Presenter Bernard O'Mahoney, a best-selling true crime author and former member of the Essex Boys gang, gives an insider's point...
Plot: Many people take for granted the infrastructure that is in place to help cities run smoothly. Engineer Rob Bell presents this programme that heads beneath the surface in cities across the UK to discover the buried feats of engineering that people rely on on a daily basis, some of which were never meant...
Plot: Historian and presenter David Olusoga tells the story of Britain from the point of view of a house and its owners and inhabitants over the centuries. He delves into city archives, explores old newspaper reports and meets the living descendants of those who were connected to the house. He encounters...