Plot: Based on a character created by Italian writer Andrea Camilleri in a series of novels and short stories, each episode of `Inspector Montalbano' tells a stand-alone story of the inspector's astute detective work in and around the fictional Italian town of Vigata. Luca Zingaretti stars in the lead role...
Plot: Capri is an Italian TV series produced by Rai Fiction. The story involves a young woman from Milan, Vittoria Mari, who discovers, one month before she is to be married, that she has been named as a beneficiary in the will of a woman she has never met. Wikipedia
Plot: A team of scientific police led by Riccardo Venturi faces complex cases and serial killers. Through scientific analysis of the evidence they will try to catch the most elusive criminals.
Plot: Ho Sposato Uno Sbirro is an Italian police detective series, which ran from 2008 to 2010 on Rai 1. It stars Flavio Insinna as police commissioner Diego Santamaria. Wikipedia
Plot: Un caso di coscienza is an Italian television series. This series of legal thriller genres, is composed of 5 seasons, each consisting of 6 episodes from the life of about 95 minutes each. With regard to the first season aired on Rai 2, the following went on air on Rai 1. Wikipedia
Plot: Stefano Loi, the CEO of a renowned pharmaceutical company must face the challenge of raising his children and upholding his company after his wife died in a car accident.