Plot: Makai Senki Disgaea is an anime series based on the video game Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. Makai Senki Disgaea follows the same general plot as the game, but with several alterations to character roles and the chronology of events. The anime was licensed by Geneon Entertainment before closing their...
Plot: Croket!, also spelled Korokke!, is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Manavu Kashimoto. It was published by Shogakukan in CoroCoro Comic from April 2001 to November 2006 and collected in 15 bound volumes. It received the 2003 Shogakukan Manga Award for children's manga. Wikipedia
Plot: In order to prevent the catastrophe, the Grand Fall, Rid and his companions Farah, Keel and Meredy have obtained the Greater Spirits. A series of adventures forces them to remain on the islands, where a more immediate threat to Inferia.
Plot: Tomica Hyper Rescue Drive Head KidŠKyūkyū Keisatsu is a Japanese anime television series made to promote Takara Tomy's long-running Tomica toyline of miniature toy cars. It replaced Kamiwaza Wanda and aired Saturday mornings at 7:00 am on the new hour-long Anisata block on TBS and affiliated...
Plot: Ray Donovan works as a mediator for a law firm that handles celebrities and wealthy clients. While Ray is an expert in solving other people's problems, he has no control over his personal issues.
Plot: Deltora Quest is a children's fantasy novel series written by Emily Rodda. It was first published between 2000 and 2002 in Australia by Scholastic Press. Wikipedia
Plot: Shortly after moving to a new place, a shy girl stumbles upon a spaceship and meets a synthetic alien figure that disguises itself as her twin sister and begins to attend school with her.
Plot: Omakase! Miracle Cat-dan, also known as Omakase Mamitasu is a Japanese anime series produced by OLM, Inc. and Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions and aired on NHK in between the variety programs, Tensai Terebi-kun and R no HÅsoku from March 31, 2015 to February 23, 2016. Wikipedia
Plot: Pikaia! is a Japanese educational anime series produced by NHK Educational. The first season started airing on April 29, 2015 for 13 episodes before ending on July 30, 2015. It is renewed with a second season in February 2017. Wikipedia