Plot: This scripted anthology comedy series presents morality tales from the darkly witty mind of creator and four-time Sundance Award-winning writer/director Bobcat Goldthwait. Each standalone episode mashes up wildly different genres -- from 1970s-era science fiction and psychological thriller to romantic...
Plot: The man behind legendary science fiction films "The Terminator," "Aliens," "The Abyss" and "Avatar" explores the origins of a genre that has morphed from a cult following into a cornerstone of pop culture. Oscar-winning writer, director and producer James Cameron reaches back into sci-fi's roots to...
Plot: It has been over 15 years since the attacks on the twin towers on Sept. 11, 2001. "Road to 9/11" goes in-depth in this six-hour series over three nights to explain events that happened prior to the attacks. It analyzes how the United States government missed blatant signs along the way, which led to...
Plot: Dan Rather has had a prolific career in the TV news industry, highlighted by more than 40 years as an anchor and correspondent for CBS News. After ending his tenure at CBS, Rather took his journalism experience to AXS TV -- then called HDNet -- as host of this hourlong investigative series. The iconic...
Plot: Sylvia Robinson was dėÆ "The Mother of Hip Hop" for her help in bringing the musical genre into the mainstream through the famed label Sugar Hill Records, which she co-founded in the 1970s with her husband Joe. Decades later, the next generation of the Robinson family is working to keep the label...
Plot: HGTV's series "Caribbean Life" follows families as they pack up and head to the Caribbean. In each episode, a couple search for an affordable slice of heaven as they tour homes on white, sandy beaches. The real estate advisers chosen to help must find locations for growing families, couples just starting...
Plot: Those who lived it and those who tried to kill it reveal in eye-opening detail the world of the US Mafia. Former mobsters - some speaking on camera for the first time - informants and FBI agents expose the empire of the deadly, corrupt and unforgiving crime ring that gripped America for decades. Each...
Plot: National Public Radio's long-running documentary series makes the leap to TV, telling stories culled from all across the nation. Host Ira Glass (who's pulling double-duty on the TV show as he's also the host on radio) and a team of filmmakers spend months on the road finding stories they think would...
Plot: The Internet can be a powerful tool, allowing people to communicate and conduct business across borders. Unfortunately, that also makes it easy for people to, often anonymously, threaten others -- or worse -- post content that they don't like. This series tells stories of folks whose lives were ruined...
Plot: Technology expert and communications attorney Yul Kwon hosts a four-hour journey above America's landscape, revealing a nation of sophisticated networks that help power the United States, produce millions of goods and transport people great distances. Viewers witness the interwoven networks, which...
Plot: "The New York Times Presents" is a series of standalone documentaries representing the unparalleled journalism and insight of The New York Times, bringing viewers close to the essential stories of the time. With more than 1,550 journalists reporting from 160 countries, The Times publishes 250 stories...
Plot: The unscripted "Small Town Security" follows the workplace drama of a small, family-run security and private investigation company in rural Georgia called JJK Security. While the day-to-day operations are depicted, the heartbeat of the series is found in the oddball behavior of JJK's colorful employees...
Plot: Many notable moments and stories in history have famous objects associated with them, but some items have been lost. In this series, author Brad Meltzer tries to find the artifacts, with help from viewers with information to help locate relics. Articles that Meltzer seeks include the Ground Zero flag...
Plot: According to the Bible, giants roamed the planet in ancient times. But where's the proof? Brothers Bill and Jim Vieira head into secret chambers, tunnels and mysterious burial mounds for evidence that a race of giants once existed, since none of the previously reported skeletons can be found in museums...
Plot: Firsthand accounts and never-before-seen archival footage examine the life and heritage of Donald Trump, from his childhood in Queens to his risky move into the world of Manhattan real estate and his successful 2016 presidential campaign.
Plot: In this awkwardly titled series that truTV calls a comedy-centric documentary anthology, previously untold TV tales behind comedy icons -- films, clubs, and performers -- receive the light of day. Related directly by the people who were on the inside, the truth comes out about, for example, the inspiration...
Plot: The average American male spends 198 months watching TV in his lifetime. That is one example of the statistics viewers might learn by watching "United Stats of America," each episode of which accounts for 60 minutes of that TV-watching time. The program, hosted by comedians and identical twins Randy...