Plot: "On My Block" follows a quartet of bright, street-savvy friends who are navigating their way through high school, including all the of the triumph, pain and newness they experience along the way. Lifelong friendships are tested as Monse, Ruby, Jamal and Cesar confront the challenges of adolescence...
Plot: It's the 1990s in Boring, Ore., and groups of outcasts in Boring High School's AV and drama clubs are trying to brave the ups and downs of teenage life in a simpler world without smartphones and other 21st century technology. The two crews of nerdy students are frustrated that no one is taking them...
Plot: Due to various personal reasons, some of Yun Tae-o's friends move into his house, where they experience love, friendship and everything in between.
Plot: Socially awkward high school student Otis may not have much experience in the lovemaking department, but he gets good guidance on the topic in his personal sex ed course -- living with mom Jean, who is a sex therapist. Being surrounded by manuals, videos and tediously open conversations about sex, Otis...
Plot: A grieving teenager finds an unexpected connection with two classmates at her new high school when they all land in the same Shoplifters Anonymous group.
Plot: Based on the award-winning comic book series by Charles Forsman, `The End of the World' sees two 17-year-old outsiders, James and Alyssa, embark on a road trip to find Alyssa's estranged father, who left home when she was just a child. James, who's pretty convinced he's a psychopath, has decided...
Plot: Newcomer Katherine Langford plays the role of Hannah, a young woman who takes her own life. Two weeks after her tragic death, a classmate named Clay finds a mysterious box on his porch. Inside the box are recordings made by Hannah -- on whom Clay had a crush -- in which she explains the 13 reasons why...
Plot: A college student finds success after starring in a Hollywood film. Eventually, she finds herself involved in a case regarding a missing pop star.
Plot: Jenna Hamilton, a 15-year-old, struggles to deal with the pressures of growing up. Her life takes a drastic turn after an accident she meets with is projected as a suicide attempt.
Plot: For years Patty was overweight, which caused her to be bullied, ignored and underestimated by the people around her. But she is now thin and seeking revenge against those who ever made her feel bad about herself through fat-shaming. Enter Bob Armstrong, a disgraced attorney with a passion for coaching...
Plot: Inspired by Federico Moccia's books, this series follows Summer, who longs to leave her small town and see the world, as she meets Ale, a motorcyclist.
Plot: Austin Moon gains overnight success when he performs one of Ally Dawson's songs. But their relationship is ridden with comical situations since both have opposing personalities.