Plot: Comedian John Oliver ("The Daily Show With Jon Stewart") hosts a series of standup shows featuring his favorite comics, both up-and-coming and established. Each hourlong episode features an opening by Oliver with four different comics performing. Among the funny persons who have appeared are Janeane...
Plot: Got 30 minutes to spare for some laugh therapy after a long week? "Comedy Central Stand-Up Presents... " -- previously titled "The Half Hour" -- showcases an impressive lineup of some of the best up-and-comers in comedy. Acts include Adam Cayton-Holland, Anthony DeVito, Jo Firestone, Solomon Georgio...
Plot: Some of today's best stand-up comics perform before a live audience. Since its premiere in 1998, the half-hour programme has featured a who's who of comedy talent, including Lewis Black, Dane Cook, Mitch Hedberg, Brian Regan, Frank Caliendo and Carol Leifer.