Plot: This multilingual crime-drama follows a group of European investigators working together to tackle crime in major cities across Europe. Their journey begins when three prostitutes are found murdered, all in the same way, and all in different countries. However, as the case evolves, the detectives also...
Plot: SOKO München is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired on 2 January 1978, and is set in Munich. SOKO is an abbreviation of the German term âSonderkommissionâ. The production ends in 2020 after 40 years; it is planned to replace...
Plot: Küstenwache is a German television series that tells the fictionalized adventures of a unit of Federal Coast Guard officers off the German coast of the Baltic Sea. It was aired on public broadcasting channel ZDF for 17 seasons from 1997 to 2016. Wikipedia
Plot: Löwenzahn is a children's television series produced and aired by German public broadcaster ZDF on German television. Originally conceived and hosted by Peter Lustig, the first episode aired on January 7, 1979, then titled Pusteblume. The first episode of the retitled series Löwenzahn aired on...
Plot: Der letzte Zeuge is a German crime television series set in Berlin. Created by Gregor Edelmann, it aired on ZDF from 1998 to 2007 and was mostly directed by Bernhard Stephan. Wikipedia
Plot: Stories from the day-to-day work of the 21st Hamburg Police Commissariat under the direction of police councillor Martin Berger and the Elbkrankenhaus.
Plot: The Soko Wien is the special unit of the Vienna Water Police and has its base at the Vienna Handelskai. Major Carl Ribarski, Lieutenant Colonel Helmuth Nowak and Penny Lanz form the unit under the direction of Colonel Otto Dirnberger.
Plot: Mick Brisgau is a cop who spent 20 years in a coma after being shot in the head. When he wakes up, the world around him has changed and he has to relearn everything, including police techniques.
Plot: Cologne P.D. is a German crime fiction series which is broadcast on ZDF. The show was first broadcast on 22 October 2003. It is a spinoff of the long-running series SOKO 5113. Wikipedia
Plot: Hajo Trautzschke is the head of the Leipzig Crime Squad, a city he knows very well. His experience is of great help in solving criminal cases with his team.
Plot: SOKO Wismar is a German police procedural television series. It first aired on 6 October 2004. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission". SOKO Wismar is transmitted on the German public broadcasting channel ZDF on Wednesdays at 6:00pm. SOKO Wismar is the fifth spin-off from the series...
Plot: Police Commissioner Oliver Radek and his colleagues Mina Amiri, Sandra Reiß and Daniel Prinz of the Berlin State Office of Criminal Investigation search for missing people.
Plot: Jasmin Sayed, a commissioner who has lived in Germany for almost 30 years, is launching a new elite unit dedicated to the protection of Berlin's waters.
Plot: Im Angesicht des Verbrechens is a German television series about the Russian mafia in Berlin. It received high critical acclaim, but the viewer figures were disappointing. The 10 episodes of the series were broadcast by ARTE and Das Erste in 2010 and are also available on DVD in the United States....