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Sports Action Team
Description: The antics of a hapless team of "reporters" which covers the national sports beat. Genre: Comedy Year Released: 2006 Number of seasons: 2 Number of episodes: 25 First episode air date: September 7, 2006 Genre: Comedy
Plot: This partially improvised mockumentary series follows an inept news team that travels the country interviewing people for news reports. The glue that holds the team together (as much as she can), Tillie Sullivan -- once a secretary at Spokane, Wash., TV station KHBX -- triumphantly returns to produce...
Plot: Goodnight Burbank debuted on the web as a "webisodic" series in March 2006. In April 2011, it was reborn with a new cast, new look and new feel as a "webcom". The series is about a fictional Burbank, CA 10:00PM newscast and its crew. Wikipedia
Plot: Take one part `The Larry Sanders Show', add another part `Curb Your Enthusiasm', mix in some Chelsea Handler and you have `After Lately', the weekly, semiscripted comedy that takes a look at life behind the scenes for the crew of the nightly `Chelsea Lately' programme. The show follows Handler and...
Plot: The star of this ground-breaking comedy series can be you, if in fact you're a single dude who likes to party and chase girls. Its first-person format allows the viewer to be the central character in the life of a 20-something guy, his roommates Phil and Sam, and the two women in his life, ex-girlfriend...
Plot: The sketch-comedy show, starring comic Dave Chappelle, follows the tried-and-true formula of similar shows that preceded it. Chappelle performs a stand-up routine that leads into a taped comedy sketch. The show usually ends with a musical performance. The show is often considered to be controversial...
Plot: Dan Rather has had a prolific career in the TV news industry, highlighted by more than 40 years as an anchor and correspondent for CBS News. After ending his tenure at CBS, Rather took his journalism experience to AXS TV -- then called HDNet -- as host of this hourlong investigative series. The iconic...
Plot: True-crime series are gaining popularity on TV so, of course, there was bound to be a satire of the genre. "American Vandal" takes a look at the aftermath of various high school pranks. Aspiring student documentarian Peter Maldonado takes it upon himself, with help from friend Sam Ecklund, to investigate...