Plot: Documentary series that visits a number of properties across the United Kingdom to get a glimpse into the lives of some of the country's most pampered pets. From high-flying falcons to African pygmy hedgehogs, this show meets a variety of animals whose every want and need is cared for by their devoting...
Plot: Saying goodbye - or auf wiedersehen - to one's pet is never an easy decision to make. But it is sometimes the only choice that a pet owner has. This programme takes a look at what happens when people must give up their beloved animals for reasons ranging from moving abroad to medical difficulties that...
Plot: Experience life behind the scenes at one of Ireland's leading veterinary practices, revealing the emotional owners, sick animals and dedicated vets who go to any lengths to make them better.
Plot: From tiny chihuahuas to miniature pigs, the popularity of mini-pets has exploded. Exploring the world of miniature dogs, their popularity, and concerns about their health.
Plot: `Fat Pets: Slimmer of the Year' is a series documenting the annual PDSA's Pet Fit Club competition. The event follows overweight dogs, cats and rabbits over the course of six months as owners help their pets lose those extra pounds. Taking on the challenge is eight-stone boxer Bruce, giant rabbit Snowball...