Plot: Speed is a BBC television series about the history of fast vehicles, including aeroplanes, boats and cars. The show is presented by Jeremy Clarkson and consists of six episodes. Each focuses on a different aspect of speed. Wikipedia
Plot: Pulttibois was a popular Finnish sketch comedy television show that premiered on MTV3 in 1989 and which starred a two-man cast of comedic actors - Pirkka-Pekka Petelius and Aake Kalliala. Both Petelius and Kalliala had been previously known for their work on YLE sketch comedies during the 1980s. Wikipedia...
Plot: Kymppitonni is a Finnish television and radio game show format, created by Spede Pasanen which has been featured on Finnish networks since 1985. The show was hosted by beauty queen Riitta Väisänen during its first three runs and by Cristal Snow in its current iteration. Wikipedia