Plot: Mum is trying to do some work but Melody is enjoying herself making a lot of noise and pretending to be an elephant. Mum suggests Melody listens to some music. Melody sits back and listens to Mozart's Horn Concerto No 4 which, in her mind, takes her into an animated story about a noisy elephant who...
Plot: MeleTOP is a Malaysian television infotainment talk show and variety show aired weekly on Astro Ria. From its debut in 2012, it was hosted by the same two presenters, female host Neelofa, and male host Nabil Ahmad, until Neelofa left in 2019. Wikipedia
Plot: Nur is a 2018 Malaysian television drama series directed by Shahrulezad Mohameddin, starring Amyra Rosli as the titular role and Syafiq Kyle as Ustaz Adam. The series focuses on the relationship between a pious man and a prostitute who practices her faith in an unconventional manner. Wikipedia