Plot: British travel writer and adventurer Charley Boorman hits the road to go on an adventure across the US. He begins his journey in the two newest states, Hawaii and Alaska, before flying to the mainland to begin his cross-country trek in Boston. From there, he travels across the vast nation on his way...
Plot: Charley Boorman has travelled thousands of miles to produce his made-for-TV adventures, but he says the trip chronicled in this four-part series is one of the toughest he's ever been on. (And this is a man who has motorcycled from London to New York and completed an around-the-world trek using only...
Plot: The world traveler with the curious nature and charming smile embarks on a journey to Asia, immersing herself in local traditions and uncovering secrets of one of the world's most ancient, yet modern lands. Brown samples the food, takes in the culture and meets the people and animals in eight Asian...
Plot: Adventurer Charley Boorman hits the road on a motorbike as he takes a 6,200-mile journey through South Africa. Teaming up with producer Russ Malkin, Boorman begins his journey around the continent's southernmost coastline before heading across the South African frontier - in Mozambique, Botswana and...
Plot: By Any Means, also known as Ireland to Sydney by Any Means, is a television series following Long Way Round and Long Way Down TV presenter Charley Boorman. Wikipedia
Plot: Charley Boorman is an English TV presenter, travel writer and actor. As a noted motorbike enthusiast, Boorman is widely known for a series of three long distance motorcycle rides with friend Ewan McGregor, documented in Long Way Round, Long Way Down, and Long Way Up. Wikipedia