Plot: Wakakusa no Charlotte is an anime series produced by Nippon Animation Co. Ltd. It was first aired in Japan between October 29, 1977 and May 27, 1978, and is based on an original story by screenwriter Shun'ichi Yukimuro. Wikipedia
Plot: Noozles, also known as The Wondrous Koala Blinky, is a 26-episode anime by Nippon Animation Company that was originally released in Japan in 1984. It depicts the adventures of a 12-year-old girl named Sandy and her koala friends, Blinky and Pinky, who are from the extra-dimensional realm of Koalawalla...
Plot: Laura, the Prairie Girl is a Japanese anime television series based on the novels Little House in the Big Woods and Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Twenty-six half-hour episodes were released between 1975 and 1976. Wikipedia
Plot: Doki Doki School Hours is a Japanese four-panel manga series by Tamami Momose. The manga was serialized in Manga Life and published by Takeshobo from 1997 to 2013. An anime television series adaptation was animated by J.C.Staff and aired on TV Tokyo from April 4, 2004 to June 27, 2004. Wikipedia
Plot: Bannertail: The Story of Gray Squirrel is a Japanese anime series made by Nippon Animation in 1979. It is based on the 1922 children's book Bannertail by Ernest Thompson Seton. Wikipedia
Plot: Back to the Forest is a Japanese anime television special, broadcast as part of Fuji TV's Nissei Family Special block on 3 February 1980. An English language dub was produced in 1989 by Ahmed Agrama's Intersound, Inc., and released on home video in the United States by Celebrity Home Entertainment....
Plot: Famous Dog Lassie is a 1996 Japanese anime television series animated by Nippon Animation as the 23rd entry of the World Masterpiece Theater staple. The anime is based on the 1940 novel Lassie Come-Home by Eric Knight and also the second animated Lassie series ever produced, since Lassie's Rescue Rangers...
Plot: Porphy no Nagai Tabi is a Japanese anime series by Nippon Animation, as the 2008 installment of the famed World Masterpiece Theater series. It is an adaptation of Paul-Jacques Bonzon's novel, Les Orphelins de Simitra. Wikipedia
Plot: The Animated Classics of Japanese Literature is an anime television series which aired on NTV in Japan for 32 episodes from 25 April to 26 December 1986 in the 7â7:30 pm time slot. The series was unusual in that each episode was a stand-alone story based on popular and well known modern...
Plot: Sango-sho Densetsu: Aoi Umi no Erufii is a 1986 Japanese anime fantasy adventure television film directed by Yoshio Kuroda. It was broadcast on May 19, 1986 on Fuji Television. Wikipedia
Plot: After establishing a settlement at Hispaniola, Columbus returns to Spain a hero, but falls out of favor due to the outlandish demands of the crown, favorable treatment of natives and failure to find the western route to the Orient.