Plot: Le Iene is a television program broadcast on the Italian channel Italia 1. Beginning in 1997, it is a comedy/satirical show, with sketches and reports into political affairs and consumer issues. It is based on an Argentine show Caiga Quien Caiga. Wikipedia
Plot: Linea Gialla is a talk and debate television program produced by La7 and aired in Italy. The program is entirely devoted to people disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Wikipedia
Plot: Talk TV is a Philippine morning talk show on ABS-CBN, hosted by broadcasters turned couple Julius Babao and Christine Bersola, newly transferred personality Ryan Agoncillo and actress Janette McBride. The show premiered on March 12, 2001 and ended on July 19, 2002. Wikipedia
Plot: A reality game/talk show about forming stable couples. Originally "Uomini e donne" was a talk show about real relationships inspired from the previous "Amici". A few men and women are introduced at the beginning of the seasons as "Tronisti" (they sit on a throne) together with a set of suitors who,...
Plot: Desaparecidos is an American television series which began appearing on LAT TV on October 23, 2007, focusing on alleged cases of forced disappearance of Hispanics in the United States. The series includes a marketing tie-in to AOL Latino, which will host a website linked to the series. Wikipedia
Plot: The in-depth journalism of Videonews for Quarto Grado focuses on the criminal cases of current news and recent years with interviews and insights, cases who have passionate and divide the public opinion, with particular attention from the point of view of the victim. Quarto Grado is characterized by...