Plot: Snoop Dogg is a decorated performer in the music industry, but he also has a passion for football and helping young people. That's why he started the Snoop Youth Football League with the intention of keeping at-risk kids off of the streets and focused on achieving their goals. This docuseries follows...
Plot: When two children go missing in a small German town, its sinful past is exposed along with the double lives and fractured relationships that exist among four families as they search for the kids. The mystery-drama series introduces an intricate puzzle filled with twists that includes a web of curious...
Plot: `Trapped' is a crime-drama series following a police department as they try to uncover a mystery against the elements. In a fjord nearby a small Icelandic town a ferry arrives from Denmark with 300 passengers, but only their journey stops here. A storm overhead and a treacherous blizzard prevent the...
Plot: Season 2 of this Amazon-original docuseries follows the entire 2016 NFL season for the Rams, which started with their relocation back to Los Angeles. Other notable events that are uniquely explored in this series include the hiring of a new head coach, as well as action on the field and the team's...
Plot: The English city of Sunderland has seen its main industries of shipbuilding and mining fall by the wayside, which means the Sunderland Association Football Club -- SAFC -- has become an increasingly more important part of the lifeblood of the unique city. The club's fans are some of the most passionate...
Plot: Lucifer, a demon, returns from hell to reside in Los Angeles and runs a club. He soon gets involved with the local police and assists them in solving tricky criminal cases.
Plot: In this docuseries, soccer great Diego Maradona comes to Culiacán, the heart of the Sinaloa Cartel, to save the local team the Dorados -- and maybe himself.
Plot: In Denmark, drone engineer Victoria is held captive in her home in the lead-up to a terrorist attack in Scandinavia. The Swedish security police and the Danish intelligence service collaborate to prevent the threat from transpiring.
Plot: When a controversial guru builds a utopian city in the Oregon desert, it causes a massive conflict with local ranchers. This docuseries chronicles the conflict, which leads to the first bioterror attack in the United States and a massive case of illegal wiretapping. It is a pivotal, but largely forgotten...
Plot: English football's famous `fallen giant' Leeds United is at the start of a journey: to win promotion back to the Premier League. New owner Andrea Radrizzani has recruited coach Marcelo Bielsa, to lead the team back to the promised land.
Plot: This Netflix original series follows college football teams that aren't major programs and don't get much national attention. After a couple seasons of profiling recruits at East Mississippi Community College, which has won several NJCAA national titles, the reality series shifts its focus to Independence...
Plot: Inspired by a real-life political scandal, "Suburra: Blood on Rome" features a fight over development land in a coastal town near Rome. The church, political figures, members of organized crime, local gangs and real estate developers all collide in the battle, with the lines between the legal and the...
Plot: The story of the rise and fall of the Third Reich told like the drama it really was: through the personal relationships of the movers and shakers of the Nazi Party.
Plot: Thirty four years after events of the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament, a down-and-out Johnny Lawrence seeks redemption by reopening the infamous Cobra Kai dojo, reigniting his rivalry with a now successful Daniel LaRusso.
Plot: Sixx Orange stars as Devin Burke, a young athlete and strong role model, in this Amazon original based on a book series by Olympic gold medalist and U.S. Women's National Team soccer player Alex Morgan. Devin is the star player on her soccer team until her family moves to California during the school...
Plot: In the fall of 1997, Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls allowed a film crew to follow them as they went for their sixth NBA title in eight seasons. That resulted in a stunning portrait of one of the sport's most iconic athletes and a celebrated team. "The Last Dance" follows the Bulls' 1997-98 season...
Plot: The McLaren racing team is one of the most prolific in the storied history of Formula One, but it has come upon hard times of late. The docuseries, narrated by Oscar winner Michael Douglas, follows the team during a 2017 season that McLaren hopes is better than the two previous years, which proved to...
Plot: Elliot, a cyber-security engineer suffering from anxiety, works for a corporation and hacks felons by night. Panic strikes him after Mr Robot, a cryptic anarchist, recruits him to ruin his company.
Plot: The drivers, managers and team owners in Formula 1 live life in the fast lane -- both on and off the track. This docuseries gives viewers exclusive, intimate access to the people in one of the world's greatest racing competitions. "Formula 1: Drive to Survive" reveals the true story of the high-octane...
Plot: Surgical interns and their supervisors embark on a medical journey where they become part of heart-wrenching stories and make life-changing decisions in order to become the finest doctors.
Plot: Players and coaches from the Montreal Thunder U21 soccer team chase their dreams of achieving stardom in the sport. This docuseries profiles their journeys, as their on-field challenges intersect with their personal lives. There's a shake-up on the team when a legendary women's player joins the Thunder...
Plot: A criminal mastermind who goes by "The Professor" has a plan to pull off the biggest heist in recorded history -- to print billions of euros in the Royal Mint of Spain. To help him carry out the ambitious plan, he recruits eight people with certain abilities and who have nothing to lose. The group...
Plot: Coaches share the rules they live by to achieve success in sports and in life; featured coaches include Doc Rivers, Jill Ellis, José Mourinho, Patrick Mouratoglou, and Dawn Staley.
Plot: Spencer James is a rising football player who makes the shift to an affluent Beverly Hills school on his coach's advice. He struggles to find his footing as the new team is threatened by his arrival.
Plot: From a storyline conceived by bestselling author Jo Nesbø, `Occupied' focuses on political and environmental issues affecting Scandinavia. The ten-part Nordic drama is based in the near future, when environmental concerns prompt the Norwegian government to stop all oil and gas production in the...
Plot: Boca Juniors is one of the world's most successful soccer clubs; based in Buenos Aires, the club has been around since the early 1900s. This docuseries gives Boca Juniors' fans a behind-the-scenes look at the legendary club. The docuseries follows the club as it faces high expectations to defend the...
Plot: This multilingual crime-drama follows a group of European investigators working together to tackle crime in major cities across Europe. Their journey begins when three prostitutes are found murdered, all in the same way, and all in different countries. However, as the case evolves, the detectives also...
Plot: Actor Frank Grillo's filmography includes the MMA-centric flick "Warrior" and TV series "Kingdom," so it may not be surprising to learn that he has a passion for combat sports. In this docuseries, the fight enthusiast travels around the world, immersing himself in different fight cultures to understand...
Plot: This docuseries follows the Chinle High basketball team in Arizona's Navajo Nation on a quest to win a state championship and bring pride to the isolated community.
Plot: `Follow the Money' is a Danish crime-drama following the illegal activities of corporate crime circles, fraudsters and opportunists. The story begins near a wind farm off the coast of Denmark, where a lifeless body is found washed ashore. Police detective Mads is on the case, which at first looks like...
Plot: A former US Marine poses as an inmate inside a Mexican prison, in order to infiltrate a dangerous gang suspected of kidnapping a US judge's teenage daughter.
Plot: Set in Denmark and based on the novels of Elsebeth Egholm, this series follows a crime reporter named Dicte Svendsen who has moved back to her hometown of Aarhus with her teenage daughter following a difficult divorce. A sociable character, Svendsun enjoys nothing more than meeting up with her friends...
Plot: This documentary tells the story of modern America through the life of one man -- President Donald Trump. The four-episode series shows how he has embodied many of the movements that have shaped American society since the 1960s, including capitalism, political disenfranchisement, reality TV and social...
Plot: Greed, politics and journalism are at the heart of this Norwegian thriller that follows six days in the life of journalist Peter Veras. After receiving an anonymous tip of a financial scandal, he begins an investigation that leads to evidence of Norway's elite being involved in financial fraud. One...
Plot: Holly attends university with her childhood best friend. But when her friend becomes embroiled with an exclusive group of people and her behavior changes, Holly becomes concerned for her and decides to investigate. Now, a new term has started and Holly lives with some younger student activists. A new...
Plot: This entry in Amazon's "All or Nothing" sports-documentary franchise goes behind the scenes of one of the most historic clubs in international soccer, Manchester City. The series gives viewers a look at an entire Premier League season for the team, going inside the world-leading training facilities...
Plot: Wilhelm and his younger friends, Friedhelm, Charlotte, Viktor and Greta, part ways in the summer of 1941 in Berlin, with the promise to reunite after the war.
Plot: In 1980s Indiana, a group of young friends witness supernatural forces and secret government exploits. As they search for answers, the children unravel a series of extraordinary mysteries.
Plot: Stefan Kowolski and Arash Sayyad, two junior investigators working for Serious Fraud Office, go against powerful corporations and people who only appear to be legitimate.