Plot: "Big Hero 6 The Series" takes place after the events of the film "Big Hero 6" and continues the adventures of 14-year-old tech genius Hiro Hamada. He is joined by the compassionate robot Baymax which is created by Hiro's brother, Tadashi. Hiro and Baymax are also joined by their friends, including...
Plot: Disney's 1994 classic "The Lion King" is one of the most beloved animated films in the company's storied history. This follow-up series introduces Simba's son, fun-loving Kion, who is happy that his sister, Kiara, is destined to rule the Pride Lands. He soon discovers that as the second-born he has...
Plot: Princess Elena is on a journey that began years earlier when evil sorceress Shuriki took her parents and kingdom from her. Now, having defeated Shuriki, the royal teenager is due to take her place on the throne but needs help ruling Avalor -- that assistance comes in the form of the Grand Council, made...
Plot: Scrooge McDuck and his three nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, are always in the midst of something adventurous, be it in the depth of the sea, outer space or the heart of the jungle.
Plot: This revamped incarnation of the "My Little Pony" franchise not only appeals to the little girls that the toy line is primarily marketed to, but has drawn a cult following of teenagers, self-proclaimed "geeks," and even adults that remember the TV series, specials and films dating back to the 1980s...
Plot: Murphy's Law states that anything that can go wrong will. That doesn't bode well for 13-year-old Milo Murphy, a descendant of the man for whom the law was named, and who feels like he's living it. Milo is always expecting the unexpected. He's prepared for anything that comes his way, though, as he...
Plot: Inspired by creator and executive producer Matt Braly's heritage, family and childhood trips to Bangkok, Thailand, Disney's animated series chronicles the adventures of independent and fearless teen Anne Boonchuy after she is magically transported to a rural marshland full of frog people. There, Anne...
Plot: Ariel is a teenaged mermaid who lives under the sea with her father, the sea king, her six sisters and various friends. Together, they try to keep harm away from Atlantica as enemies try to ruin their peaceful kingdom. Ariel takes viewers on underwater adventures into caves, meeting humans, and singing...
Plot: Emma Swan's past disasters drag her into the small town of Maine. She is the long-lost daughter of a king, who must protect her town from the curse of an evil queen.
Plot: The intelligent, fearless heroine 8-year-old True and best friend Bartleby, the cat, helps the whimsical citizens of the Rainbow Kingdom with their problems. The Rainbow Kingdom is full of fantastical citizens of all colors and when something goes wrong True is the only one with the ability to wake...
Plot: The story follows Sofia, an average girl, whose life suddenly changes when her mother marries a king. It depicts how she adjusts to the extraordinary life and makes everyone around her feel special.