Plot: Young Justice Bao is a 25-episode ancient legal drama series produced by the Television Corporation of Singapore in 1994. The drama stars Chew Chor Meng as the legendary Song Dynasty jurist Bao Zheng. Wikipedia
Plot: Invincible Knights Errant is a 2011 martial arts television series from Mainland China, based on the wuxia classics The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants. The show stars Alex Man as Bao Zheng from China's Song Dynasty and Vincent Zhao as Zhan Zhao. Wikipedia
Plot: The Flashing Blade is a French television serial made in the late 1960s. It was first broadcast in the UK on BBC children's television during the 1960s, with several re-runs throughout the 1970s. The British version of twelve 22 minutes episodes was created from the original four French 75-minute episodes...