Plot: Storage Wars is an American reality TV franchise on the A&E Network. The original series, Storage Wars, debuted on December 1, 2010, and ran for 12 seasons. The success of Storage Wars led to A&E commissioning a spin-off series, Storage Wars: Texas, which ran for three seasons, ending in January 2014...
Plot: As owner of one of the largest decorative salvage yards in the United Kingdom -- Fabulously British Salvage -- Drew Pritchard is always looking for new pieces to replenish his shop, and he has no problem scouring the countryside to find them. This series follows Drew all over the country, including...
Plot: Uppdrag granskning is a Swedish television program focusing on investigative journalism. The program is produced by and aired on SVT and has become known for the use of concealed cameras and microphones. Wikipedia
Plot: Rederiet was a Swedish soap opera that aired on Sveriges Television between August 1992 and April 2002. The cast featured many popular and renowned Swedish actors, and the show has often been referred to as Sweden's version of Dynasty. Wikipedia
Plot: Three friends meet in a garden to plan, plant and grow flowers, plants and vegetables - the advanced amateur, the inspired gardener and the chef who harvests and cooks.
Plot: Airing since 1979, this popular programme that has spawned multiple international versions travels across Britain (with occasional trips to other countries, such as Canada and Australia), bringing together in each location specialists in antiques and fine arts to have them appraise items brought in...
Plot: Go'kväll is a Swedish daily television show broadcast at Sveriges Television. The show consists of interviews, singer performances and cooking. It has had different hosts, including Anja Kontor, Suzanne Axell and Beppe Starbrink. It was first broadcast on 30 September 1997. Wikipedia
Plot: Uutiset is a news programme from Sveriges Television. It is broadcast on SVT2 during 17:45 to 17:55 in Finnish. However, just like most foreign-language programmes aired on Swedish television, the show is subtitled in Swedish, but when an interviewee responds in Swedish the response is subtitled into...
Plot: The celebrity version of "Antiques Road Trip" sees two antique experts paired up with celebrity guests as they scour for antiques on a road trip around the country. Each episode features different expert and celebrity pairs who search for valuable items at bargain-basement prices. Once they have found...
Plot: Two brothers living in a descent house in the deep forests of Sörbäcken, Sweden, struggling with overcoming ordinary daily challenges. Ingredients: Strong confidence, bad patience, weak economy, weak intelligence.
Plot: When librarian Taylor Harris suddenly loses her job, she moves back to her small hometown in Montana, where she gets involved in helping save her brother's small-town hotel from tycoon Joel Sheenan, who wants to renovate it.
Plot: A mysterious former secret service agent must urgently return to France when his estranged son is falsely accused of arms and drug trafficking by the government, following a blunder by an overzealous bureaucrat and a mafia operation.
Plot: Antikrundan is the Swedish version of the original BBC format Antiques Roadshow. The show visits different locations in Sweden and lets people bring their antiques to be valued by experts. It has stayed popular throughout the years, often with more than two million viewers in a country with 8-9 million...
Plot: Bonderøven is a Danish TV show produced by DR and broadcast on DR1. The program was originally broadcast on the channel DR2 but in 2011 it was moved to the main channel DR1 since it had a great success. Wikipedia