Plot: A series of spellbinding, enchanting and intriguing tales that will bring chills to the back of the neck. Different characters must navigate their way through the unexplained.
Plot: Six brave fourth-graders at Third Street School make it their mission to protect the other kids on the playground. Despite the rule of King Bob and his minions, who enforce his unwritten laws, T.J, Ashley, Vince, Gus, Gretchen and Mikey seek a rational balance between conformity and individuality.
Plot: Enter the world of Lizzie McGuire at your own risk, a world where the 13-year-old and her best friends Miranda and Gordo ride the roller-coaster existence of a middle schooler. Every day is a popularity contest, every class is a crisis and on top of everything else, Lizzie has to deal with her annoying...
Plot: Based on Joe Hill's New York Times best-selling novel of the same name, "NOS4A2" is a different kind of vampire story. It follows Vic McQueen, a gifted young woman who discovers she has a supernatural ability to find lost things. This ability puts her on a collision course with the evil and immortal...
Plot: Based on the EC Comics series of the same name, this campy and stylized anthology series recounts a string of horrific yarns introduced by the show's moldering host, the Crypt Keeper. Episodes feature a number of well-known actors and actresses, including Dan Aykroyd, Malcolm McDowell, Christopher Reeve...
Plot: Fourteen-year-old Penny Proud is growing up! She's trying to gain her independence and faces typical teenage experiences in junior high. With the help of her parents, Trudy and Oscar, and her grandma, Sugar Mama, Penny faces all sorts of comical events.
Plot: Poor little Marshall Teller. First, his parents uproot him from his home in New Jersey. Then they move the whole family to Eerie, Indiana, population 16,661, where nothing is as it seems. Strange things happen in Eerie (which Marshall could have expected from the name); however, only Marshall and his...
Plot: Policeman Carl Winslow has enough to deal with on the job. But when he gets home, he still has to handle kids, his wife, Harriette (whose character was first introduced on the sitcom "Perfect Strangers"), his mom, a sister-in-law and Urkel, the nerd next door who doesn't understand that he doesn't...
Plot: "Jeopardy!" is a classic game show -- with a twist. The answers are given first, and the contestants supply the questions. Three contestants, including the previous show's champion, compete in six categories and in three rounds (with each round's "answers" being worth more prize money). In the third...
Plot: Targeted towards preschoolers, "Cleo & Cuquin" is an animated program based on the classic "Familia Telerin" cartoon. It follows the Telerin kids, Cleo and Cuquin and their friends Tete, Pelusin, Colitas, and Maripi. Together, these friends find ways to play together and use their imagination while...
Plot: With the help of true love Topanga, best friend Shawn and teacher Mr. Feeny, Cory Matthews juggles school, friends and romance. The series, a popular Friday night staple on ABC for seven seasons, began with Cory in the sixth grade and follows him and his entourage through their college years.
Plot: Will Smith more or less plays himself in this good-natured NBC sitcom. As the show's popular theme song explains, fictional Will's mom sends him away from his rough Philadelphia neighborhood to live with wealthy Uncle Phil and Aunt Vivian in Bel-Air. Will often has fun at the expense of stuck-up cousins...