Plot: Pojken med guldbyxorna is a 1975 Swedish TV series, based on a 1967 novel by Max Lundgren, that became very popular in Sweden and has since been shown numerous times on Swedish television. The version now broadcast on TV4 Guld consists of episodes cut into 30 minutes each. Wikipedia
Plot: Barnen i Höjden was the Sveriges Television's Christmas calendar and Sveriges Radio's Christmas Calendar in 1972. The radio version was called När sagan blommade. Wikipedia
Plot: Dr. Miller, Uncle Louis, Mrs. Werner and writer Harry - four classic characters. Who is evil and who is good - it is not entirely clear. But it requires the youngsters Kaj, Peter, Marianne and six year old Tommy to figure it out during an eventful summer on idyllic Kullen in Skåne. Espionage, mysterious...
Plot: Aided by his dog Tubbe, private detective Anders Grip solve mysteries in Stockholm from a house boat. This is the third season for the detective with nickname "Snoken" to solve some mysteries out of the everyday life. "Snoken" (Anders Grip) lives on a boat in Stockholm harbour together with his friend...
Plot: Rederiet was a Swedish soap opera that aired on Sveriges Television between August 1992 and April 2002. The cast featured many popular and renowned Swedish actors, and the show has often been referred to as Sweden's version of Dynasty. Wikipedia