Plot: Inspired by creator and executive producer Matt Braly's heritage, family and childhood trips to Bangkok, Thailand, Disney's animated series chronicles the adventures of independent and fearless teen Anne Boonchuy after she is magically transported to a rural marshland full of frog people. There, Anne...
Plot: Self-assured teenager Luz stumbles upon a portal to a magical realm where she befriends a rebellious witch, Eda, and a tiny warrior, King; despite not having magical abilities, Luz pursues her dream of becoming a witch by serving as Eda's apprentice.
Plot: Murphy's Law states that anything that can go wrong will. That doesn't bode well for 13-year-old Milo Murphy, a descendant of the man for whom the law was named, and who feels like he's living it. Milo is always expecting the unexpected. He's prepared for anything that comes his way, though, as he...
Plot: Gabby Duran seizes the opportunity to step out of her mother's shadow by becoming a baby sitter for extraterrestrial children. But she must work hard to protect their secret identities.
Plot: Coached by choreographer Phil Wright, families take their moves out of the living room and into the spotlight to see if they've got what it takes to be the next champion and win a $10,000 cash prize.
Plot: This sitcom follows the lives of two fun-loving newlyweds and their preteen stepsiblings, polar opposites who must now somehow learn to be harmonious siblings. While the setup may sound like an all-too typical family comedy, that's where the similarity ends and the hilarity begins. At numerous points...
Plot: `Pointless' presenter and quiz expert Richard Osman strikes out on his own to present `Richard Osman's House of Games'. Each week a group of four famous faces compete against each other to test their knowledge in a series of quick-paced rounds of games. Richard will then cross-examine the competitive...
Plot: A country boy shifts to a metropolitan city with his family from their rural farm. With new things to explore every day, he tries to adjust to the new lifestyle.