Plot: Lorong Waktu is an Islamic religious science fiction television series produced by PT Demi Gisela Citra Sinema and aired by SCTV every Ramadan month in 6 seasons from 1999 until 2006. The series was created by Deddy Mizwar who also one of lead character and director/producer in the series. Wikipedia...
Plot: "Hot Shots" follows the exploits of the world's greatest competitive shooters, both on and off the range. The character-driven story lines feature a roster of talent that includes legendary competitive shooter Jerry Miculek, a 19-time International Revolver Championship winner; world record-holding...
Plot: Para Pencari Tuhan is an Indonesian TV series. It first aired on 16 September 2007. The show currently has 13 seasons. It is aired every Holy month of Ramadan. During Sahur on 03:00-04:30 WIB Western Indonesian Time in Season 1-6, and 03:00-04:00 in Season 7-present and during break the fast on 18:...