Plot: Historian Simon Schama explores the world of British portraiture, delving into the past to reveal the nature of the art and its impact on social history. The presenter discusses the relevancy of portraits in terms of primal engagements with reading faces, describing how this instinct allows people...
Plot: Scholar and author Simon Schama profiles eight artistic mavericks -- Van Gogh, Picasso, Caravaggio, Bernini, Rembrandt, David, Turner and Rothko -- in this limited series that delves into the creative process that produced cutting-edge masterpieces that changed how the world looks at art.
Plot: British historian Simon Schama presents his view that it is impossible to understand how Shakespeare came to belong `to all time', without understanding just how much he was of his time. Shakespeare explored questions that are still asked today: What is this England? What makes this nation? Schama...
Plot: From popular revolt to the obsession with the self, and even modern nationalism, Simon Schama explores the enduring and powerful legacy the Romantics have left on the modern world.