Plot: Q & Q was a Dutch television series, broadcast by the Katholieke Radio Omroep in 1974. With an average audience of three million viewers, the show is one of the highest-viewed programs in the history of Dutch television. The first series of thirteen episodes came to be called A failed photograph. Wikipedia...
Plot: Keyzer & De Boer Advocaten is a Dutch drama television series produced by KRO and NCRV. The show is centered around the events in a small attorney office in Amsterdam-Zuid, Netherlands. Wikipedia
Plot: Kunt u mij de weg naar Hamelen vertellen, mijnheer? is a Dutch children's television series from the 1970s. It was broadcast by KRO and became an instant success. Wikipedia
Plot: MCW was set in Lelystad a provincial hospital in the middle of the country. MCW dramatized all sorts of ethical and personal dilemmas. MCW was in its time innovative for dealing with euthanasia, critical cancer treatment and abortion and other contemporary issues. MCW was set in Lelystad a provincial...
Plot: Stiefbeen senior is a rag man, a rag and old metal trader, who has rather grubby methods. In it his forty-year-old son Dirk Stiefbeen has more social aspirations and pretensions.
Plot: This Dutch drama series is called after an agro-industrial factory, the main employer in a rural part of the Netherlands, and the interlocking private and professional lives of people and families involved in it: workers, supplying farmers under contract, the owners and the ambitious new CEO. This Dutch...
Plot: De Stille Kracht was a Dutch television series from 1974 based on the 1900 novel of the same name by Louis Couperus. The series consisted of three episodes, each of which was eighty minutes long and produced by Algemene Vereniging Radio Omroep. Wikipedia