Plot: Big Blue Marble was a half-hour children's television series that ran from 1974 to 1983 on numerous syndicated and PBS TV stations. Distinctive content included stories about children around the world and a pen-pal club that encouraged intercultural communication. Wikipedia
Plot: Winky Dink and You was a CBS children's television show that aired from 1953 to 1957, on Saturday mornings at 10:30 a.m. Eastern / 9:30 Central. It was hosted by Jack Barry and featured the exploits of a cartoon character named Winky Dink and his dog Woofer, with sound effects provided by Joseph Scholnick...
Plot: Wonderama is a children's television program that originally appeared on the Metromedia-owned stations from 1955 to 1977. The show was revived from 1980 to 1987, and again in 2017. Wikipedia
Plot: New York City policewoman Casey Jones' assignment to fight crime often entails her going undercover in some of the seediest and most dangerous parts of the city.
Plot: Captain Noah and His Magical Ark was a television program for children and was generally broadcast around the Philadelphia area. The series aired from 1967 to 1994. It was filmed and produced at the WPVI-TV, Channel 6 studios in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Wikipedia
Plot: The Adventures of Dr. Fu Manchu is a syndicated American television series that aired in 1956. The show was produced by Hollywood Television Service, a subsidiary of Republic Pictures. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Circus is an American television program that aired live on Sunday afternoons from 5 to 6pm Eastern Time from 1949-1956 on ABC. The show was produced in Chicago from through 1955, and its production moved to New York City for its final season. Wikipedia
Plot: Diver Dan is a series of 104 seven-minute live-action shorts made for children's television from 1960 to 1970. Made by Brian Cartoons, it was syndicated and distributed by ITC Entertainment. The shows were sometimes re-edited into half-hour blocks by local stations. Wikipedia
Plot: The Bickersons was a radio comedy sketch series that began September 8, 1946, on NBC, moving the following year to CBS where it continued until August 28, 1951. The show's married protagonists, portrayed by Don Ameche and Frances Langford, spent nearly all their time together in relentless verbal war...
Plot: The Magic Garden was a live-action children's television program that aired Mondays through Thursdays from March 6, 1972, to September 14, 1984, on WPIX-11 in the New York City metropolitan area. Produced and broadcast in the world's largest television market, the show became popular with millions...
Plot: Flip Wilson hosts this variety show, a mix of skits, musical acts and famous guests. Famous characters include Geraldine Jones - a sassy, modern woman who had a boyfriend named Killer (who, when not in prison, was at the pool hall) - and Reverend Leroy, the minister of the Church of What's Happening...
Plot: In a world inhabited by chimps instead of humans, Lancelot Link, along with partner Mata Hairi, is one of the top agents of the Agency to Prevent Evil (APE), a secret organisation led by Commander Darwin that protects the world from wrongdoers.