Plot: Surviving in a remote outdoor location is no game, but elite outdoorsmen turn it into one in this series. In each episode, one of the participants is captured by the other four, blindfolded, dropped in a harsh, unforgiving environment -- think dense jungle, frigid glacier or rollicking sea -- and given...
Plot: Survive This is a Canadian reality television show in which eight teenagers with limited survival skills training are taken into a forest and confronted with a number of survival challenges to test their skills and perseverance. The series aired on YTV in Canada and Cartoon Network in the United States...
Plot: Like the title says, this series is filled with shocking video clips, and they're counted down from 20 in each episode to reveal the most outrageous one of all. `Whackos at the Wheel', `Worst Days on the Job' and `Escapes From Death' are just three of the featured episodes, enough to give you an inkling...
Plot: This series captures footage of extreme moments triggered by anger. Ordinary members of the public are caught on camera during some testing times, where levels of tolerance have reached their boiling point. The incidents involve everything from road rage to annoying neighbours and overworked colleagues...
Plot: Josh James and his fellow guides Dan, Muel and Sam push themselves to the limit on a challenging seven-day excursion to New Zealand, testing bush craft techniques and survival adventures for their clients.