Plot: Taiga is a struggling second-generation actor who has developed a complex due to his father, a famous actor in his time. Taiga, only get to appear in variety shows, most of the time. One day when his friend bring him out for a skydiving, a big wind drag him away from the dropping point and he got stuck...
Plot: Ryokiteki na Kanojo is a Japanese television drama based on the South Korean movie My Sassy Girl. It narrates the story between Saburo Masaki, a marine biologist, and Riko Takami, an aspiring writer with a short temper. Wikipedia
Plot: Ataru is a TBS series is about an autistic young man with a mysterious past who helps the police solve criminal cases. It stars Masahiro Nakai in the title role and has received 19.9% TV viewership ratings. Wikipedia
Plot: Darby Carter searches for love throughout her 20s and 30s, often in all the wrong places, while the people she meets along the way leave a lasting impression.
Plot: Each episode of this three-part miniseries centers on the life of one of three generations of women (all played by Nanako Matsushima). The first takes place in Tokyo in the 1920's, at the time of the Great Kanto Earthquake. The second (centering on the star of the first episode's niece) takes place...
Plot: A man who appears to have no particular passion for anything ironically proves effective with troubled high school students. Known as a legendary savior of problem schools, he shows up one day to salvage what's left of a class that had fallen apart completely. His highly unpredictable reactions and...
Plot: Shinichi Sasaki's childhood friend Yukino Tanaka is sentenced to death for killing her ex-boyfriend's wife and child. He refuses to believe that she is capable of such brutality and decides to find the truth to prove her innocence.
Plot: Animal magnetism has a whole new meaning when the menagerie of shapeshifters in Shelly Laurenstonâs Pride series prowls, sniffs, howls, and roars into hot-blooded action . . . THE MANE EVENT NYPD cop Desiree âDezâ MacDermot knows sheâ...
Plot: One summer night, sixth-year medical student Natsume Toru is propositioned by Shinozaki Aki. He coldly brushes her off and tells her to look for someone with money. Several days later, while on duty at Keiyu University Hospital, Toru comes across Aki once more. It turns out that she is the sister of...
Plot: Flower Shop Without A Rose is a Japanese television drama. It is broadcast and produced by Fuji Television. Drama started with a 22.4% rating on January 14, 2008. Wikipedia
Plot: Lunch no JoÅ is a Japanese drama series aired in Japan on Fuji TV in 2002. It stars YÅ«ko Takeuchi, YÅsuke Eguchi, Satoshi Tsumabuki, and Shinichi Tsutsumi. Wikipedia