Plot: It's the 1990s in Boring, Ore., and groups of outcasts in Boring High School's AV and drama clubs are trying to brave the ups and downs of teenage life in a simpler world without smartphones and other 21st century technology. The two crews of nerdy students are frustrated that no one is taking them...
Plot: Buck, an irresponsible and immature man, is jobless and needs a place to stay. Hilarity ensues when he moves in with his brother's family to take care of his children.
Plot: Policeman Carl Winslow has enough to deal with on the job. But when he gets home, he still has to handle kids, his wife, Harriette (whose character was first introduced on the sitcom "Perfect Strangers"), his mom, a sister-in-law and Urkel, the nerd next door who doesn't understand that he doesn't...