Plot: After moving to the countryside, songwriter Johnny discovers a portal in his backyard that leads to a magical land called Grotto's Grove where he meets furry musical creates called Sprites. The Sprites -- Sage, Basil, Roots and Lily -- are all friendly puppets living in a magical world of talking flowers...
Plot: The popular character introduces a number of new tools in these animated shorts. The 11 new tools, along with eight from the regular show, teach children about the uses of various tools, including Spinner the power drill, Zip the socket wrench and a family of crescent wrenches named Lefty, Lily and...
Plot: All the bunnies in Bunnytown are happy and friendly, for the most part anyway! Super Bunny chases other bunnies for their carrots as the rest of the residents play, sing, dance, hike and even blast into outer space. Created for preschool viewers, Bunnytown is about fun and friendship. The neighboring...
Plot: A compilation that features Goings and Constantine 'DC' Abramson performing with a group of young children in a blend of live action and computer animation.
Plot: Kip, Wayne, Eubie and Twinkle are a group of friends who live in Higglytown. They love singing and their best friend, Fran, is a red squirrel. The series focuses on everyday community characters like grocers, librarians, and mail carriers. The kids of Higglytown learn the importance of different jobs...
Plot: JoJo is a curious 6-year-old clown who lives with her family and friends in Circus Town. "JoJo's Circus" teaches kids about movement using games, songs, colorful circus characters and funny storylines. Viewers are encouraged to walk, run, dance, jump, climb and move with JoJo and all the characters...
Plot: Kip, Wayne, Eubie and Twinkle are a group of friends who live in Higglytown. They love singing and their best friend, Fran, is a red squirrel. The series focuses on everyday community characters like grocers, librarians, and mail carriers. The kids of Higglytown learn the importance of different jobs...
Plot: Happy Monster Band, a band comprising four monsters, performs songs on love, friendship, chores, physical fitness and everything related to pre-school environment activities.
Plot: Stanley and his best friend Dennis, a talking goldfish, love animals and adventure. Stanley explores the animal kingdom with Dennis and sometimes his dog, Harry, his cat, Elsie, and some neighborhood friends. They learn all about animals and their habitats in Stanley's Great Big Book of Everything....
Plot: Chef ZeFronk, a dachshund, makes nutritious dishes in his dog house to encourage preschoolers to eat healthy food. Helped by a songbird, the chef faces problems in the form of a greedy feline.
Plot: Can You Teach My Alligator Manners? is an American/Canadian/British interactive children's television show that previously aired on Playhouse Disney. The series premiered on June 21, 2008, then aired on Disney Junior in the USA, Canada, and Great Britain and Ireland. Wikipedia
Plot: Ooh, Aah & You is a short-form children's series created by the Canadian puppeteer duo Jason Hopley and Jamie Shannon, who also created Mr. Meaty. It was produced by Kick Start Productions. In the United States, the shorts premiered in July 2005 during the Playhouse Disney line up. Wikipedia
Plot: Feeling Good with JoJo is a CanadianâAmerican stop-motion musical comedy series produced by Cartoon Pizza and Cuppa Coffee Studios for Playhouse Disney. These five-minute episodes were a spin-off of JoJo's Circus. The series was about JoJo Tickle and her pet lion Goliath. Wikipedia
Plot: Twin siblings Lou and Louise are two smart kids who know a lot about safety. With the help of their dog Louie, they've formed Safety Patrol to teach kids how to be safe. Episodes include topics such as fire preparedness, bicycle safety and beach safety.