Plot: El-Kabeer Awi is an Egyptian sitcom acted by Ahmed Mekky. Its first part was in Ramadan 2010, the series was stopped in its middle, because Ahmed Mekky had broken his leg, and had to stay at home for a month, the series was continued in the name of El Kabeer Awi 2, and it was released in Ramadan 2011...
Plot: A social drama exposing the sufferings of a headmaster to create a model school through challenges created by spoilt students , corrupted teachers , insufficient funds , bureaucracy added to that personal issues related her only love from the past and her family troubles debating "Ethics or Wealth"...
Plot: A battle between the world's two greatest minds begins when Light Yagami finds the Death Note, a notebook with the power to kill, and decides to rid the world of criminals. It's about a Doctor who accepts being CEO of a governmental bureau under pressure of his wife and friend. When he started,...