Plot: Foggy Tabriz is an Iranian historical drama television series directed by Mohammad-Reza Varzi. It ran for one season of 28 episodes. It was one of the first flagship series to air on iFilm. Wikipedia
Plot: Shahab's factory is on the verge of bankruptcy and needs money quick so she can provide a luxurious life. So he gets help from a friend to steal his own kid so his wife's wealthy father can give him some money.
Plot: Aspirin is a Persian-language TV series produced, directed, and written by Farhad Najafi. The series was produced in Iran by Real Move Entertainment, and premiered on 10 September 2015. The story is a drama about a doctor who performs a strange experiment on one of his male patients. The show is 50...
Plot: A young couple live as brother and sister, then they learn that she was switched with another girl at birth. They are separated, but years later, they reunite and must face obstacles when they fall in love.