Plot: The new-born bionic Jaime Sommers becomes a government secret agent. She has to learn the use of her powers while struggling to find her way back to a normal life.
Plot: William Masters and Virginia Johnson are known as pioneers of the science of human sexuality. Their research shoots them to fame on a trajectory that takes them from humble beginnings in the Midwest to the cover of Time magazine. Masters is a brilliant scientist who is out of touch with his own feelings...
Plot: Koh-Lanta is a French reality game show based on the popular international Survivor format. The series premiered on August 4, 2001. The show is broadcast on TF1 and there have been 17 regular seasons, and 4 special seasons. The show has been hosted by Denis Brogniart since the second season. Wikipedia...
Plot: Samantha falls in love with New York ad exec Darrin Stephens and marries him in the first episode of the sitcom. Then Darrin finds out that his new bride is one of a secret society of powerful witches and warlocks and that a twitch of her nose brings magic results. Thoroughly befuddled, Darrin makes...
Plot: Inmates and correctional officers inside the Oswald State Correctional Facility, nicknamed "Oz," battle for power and survival amid warring factions and explosive acts of retribution. Much of the show takes place in Emerald City, an experimental unit in the facility that tries to emphasize rehabilitation...
Plot: A poor family that has recently acquired wealth moves to Beverly Hills, California. They cause quite a turmoil in their privileged society with their simple and unsophisticated way of living.
Plot: "The Cosby Show" centers on the lives of the Huxtables: obstetrician Cliff and his lawyer wife Claire, their daughters Sondra, Denise, Vanessa and Rudy, and son Theo. Based on the standup comedy of Bill Cosby, the show focused on his observations of family life. Although based on comedy, the series...
Plot: Mike, an architect with three sons, and Carol, a homemaker with three daughters, get married but their children struggle to bond with each other, leading to a challenging life for the family.
Plot: When Ashley moves to a small town after getting out of a bad relationship, she is introduced to a new world by her roommates. After reading an erotic book, she becomes obsessed with it and its mysterious author, ending up at his front door. He opens her eyes to exploring and testing her romantic limitations...
Plot: Való Világ is Hungary's reality show aired by RTL Klub. ValóVilág became the most popular Hungarian reality television program ever. The show was aired in the same time slot as the localized version of Big Brother. While TV2 recorded the highest number of viewers in 2002, Való Vilá...
Plot: An aspiring writer and her three friends, all in their early 20s, together try to make sense of what life has in store for them after living in New York for two years. They're not sure what they want, or who they want it from, and the picture isn't getting any clearer. Hannah thinks she has what it...
Plot: "Lexx" is the tale of a group of misfits who inadvertently steals the most powerful weapon of destruction in the two universes: the Lexx, an enormous, sentient insect genetically modified for space travel and planet-destroying capabilities. Although they have no real authority, they travel through...
Plot: SexySat TV is a softcore televised sex line, broadcasting on the Hot Bird 13B satellite. SexySat previously had a network of three more channels on European satellite TV, including on Hot Bird 3. Wikipedia
Plot: The new-born bionic Jaime Sommers becomes a government secret agent. She has to learn the use of her powers while struggling to find her way back to a normal life.
Plot: Ten strangers share a house in Germany constantly watched by dozens of cameras. Every two weeks, they nominate two housemates to be voted out. The last person left in the house wins a cash prize. The German version of the hit reality TV show. A group of people from a variety of backgrounds are locked...
Plot: Foursome is an American romantic comedy streaming television series starring Jenn McAllister and an ensemble cast of other social media entertainers and professional actors. The series is produced by AwesomenessTV and premiered on March 30, 2016 on YouTube Premium. Wikipedia
Plot: Spuiten en Slikken was a 2005-2018 Dutch television program on public television about sexuality and drugs. It has been shown on BNN and was highly controversial from the start because numerous drugs and sexual kinks were tried out on television, often with participation from the hosts. Wikipedia