Plot: Naughty Amateur Home Videos is an adult reality television series currently in its 15th season on Playboy TV. It is hosted in-studio by reality star Vikki Vikki. Daisy de la Hoya now serves as co-host, interviewing crowds and people on the street. Wikipedia
Plot: Sexcetera is an American television series airing on Playboy TV. Formatted as a newsmagazine, the program focused on human sexuality. Sexcetera is repeated from time to time on Real Lives and Pick in the United Kingdom, RTL 7 in the Netherlands, TV5 in Finland and AXN in Italy. Wikipedia
Plot: Foursome is an American romantic comedy streaming television series starring Jenn McAllister and an ensemble cast of other social media entertainers and professional actors. The series is produced by AwesomenessTV and premiered on March 30, 2016 on YouTube Premium. Wikipedia
Plot: Real Sex is a documentary television series broadcast on and a production of HBO. As its name implies, Real Sex is a sexually explicit "magazine" which "explores sex '90s style." Real Sex explores human sexuality. Wikipedia