Plot: "Sewing With Nancy" has been a staple of the public TV landscape for three decades. The driving force behind the show's success is host Nancy Zieman, an author and national sewing authority who has fronted the show since its inception. Zieman provides viewers with innovative ideas and inspiration designed...
Plot: In this long-running PBS series, host Martha Pullen presents old and new techniques for creating beautiful projects. Offering a wide variety of sewing, craft and decorating activities that are easy and fun, the series includes segments on heirloom sewing, hand embroidery, silk ribbon embroidery, doll...
Plot: Sewing experts offer easy ways to create neat sewing projects right at home. Viewers of all skill levels learn tips and techniques for creating professional-looking garments, personalized apparel and home accents. Weekly episodes feature various themes, and feature two main projects and one shorter...
Plot: This series of episodes culled from the vast library of the late Bob Ross ("The Joy of Painting") features the soft-spoken host sharing his painting techniques, including his "wet-on-wet" technique, and creating some of his best-loved scenes. From a cabin in the majestic mountains or a covered bride...
Plot: Chef Kevin Belton's new cooking series -- inspired by the vibrant festivals of New Orleans and its surrounding region -- showcases the unique food and multicultural heritage of the city. In his courtyard kitchen at WYES-TV studios, Belton prepares some of the best food booth favorites unique to the...
Plot: Modern and traditional reservation life, including how native communities work toward food sovereignty and renewable energy sources and how they adapt to climate change.
Plot: Southern California painter Sean Diediker travels to natural and spiritual sites around the world visiting places and people who inspired paintings featured in each episode.
Plot: Chef Nick Stellino presents his most cherished recipes as he revisits dishes inspired by his childhood in Sicily. Filmed at his Los Angeles home, Stellino brings Italian classics to life in a way that's easy to follow and easy to replicate. In each episode, Stellino highlights a utensil or ingredient...
Plot: "Doc World" is a weekly showcase that brings international documentaries to an American audience. Produced by WORLD Channel, with funding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, stories offer a unique and contemporary view into the realities of people and societies from many nations. Episodes...