Plot: The Green Journey is a 2001 Iranian drama TV series directed by Mohammad Hossein Latifi. The cast includes Parsa Pirouzfar, Mohammad Reza Sharifinia, Amin Tarokh, Sara Khoeniha and Gohar Kheirandish. The Green Journey was aired in 15 episodes in 2001. IRIB's Channel 3 broadcast the TV series in 2001...
Plot: "Sahebdelan" is about an old religious bookbinder who also trades in manuscripts. His points of view on theological issues that differ from those of his granddaughter and his son lead to some interesting events.
Plot: Nardebรm-e Asmรn is an Iranian TV series directed by Mohammad Hossein Latifi and produced in 2008. It is a historical and biographical series about the life and career of Iranian mathematician and astronomer Jamshid Kashani, also known as Jamshid Al-Kashi. It was broadcast during...
Plot: Capital is a three-part British television adaptation of John Lanchesteru2019s novel Capital. The series was written by Peter Bowker, directed by Euros Lyn and produced by Matt Strevens for Kudos Film & Television Company. The first episode was broadcast on BBC One on 24 November 2015. Wikipedia