Plot: The serial in thirteen parts about the life and time of judge A.K. tells an up-to-date, realistic and internally dramatic story of a young man struggling his way through the maze of civil law disputes typical of the present-day society. He has to try and understand each of the parties, and pronounce...
Plot: Greed, politics and journalism are at the heart of this Norwegian thriller that follows six days in the life of journalist Peter Veras. After receiving an anonymous tip of a financial scandal, he begins an investigation that leads to evidence of Norway's elite being involved in financial fraud. One...
Plot: The Zodiac Killer is one of the most famous and unidentified serial murderers in American history. The Zodiac Killer sent cryptic messages and taunting letters about the atrocious acts they have committed or plan to commit. In these cryptic messages, ancient and bizarre symbols were inserted and the...
Plot: Son of Naruto Uzumaki, Boruto, follows his father's footsteps along with his friends to become great ninja. Throughout all their adventures, Boruto is determined to make his mark in the ninja world and live outside of his father's shadow.
Plot: Terapie is a Czech television series produced by HBO. Series format is taken from an Israeli series BeTipul, from which came the American series In Treatment. Terapie is the first series of HBO Czech, which uses the format taken from abroad. The series began filming on 27 September 2010 Barrandov studios...
Plot: Äeská soda was a satirical TV show created by Febio for Äeská televize. The show was aired between the years 1993 and 1997. Total number of 14 episodes was created plus two New Year's Eve specials and a 1998 full-length picture. Running time of one episode was approximately...
Plot: SvÄt pod hlavou is a Czech mystery television series. The series budget is 100 million koruna. The series is heavily inspired by the BBC television series Life on Mars. The name of the series comes from the lyrics of the song V stÃnu kapradiny by singer Jana KratochvÃlová. Wikipedia...