Plot: Two neighbors form a strong bond after both suspect extramarital activities of their spouses. However, they agree to keep their bond platonic so as not to commit similar wrongs. Based on the Award Winning Documentary Beyond Ipanema, the 13 episode series expands on the theme of Brazilian Music outside...
Plot: Shannon Bream serves as an anchor of FOX News Channel and has been with the network since 2007. Bream is also a chief legal correspondent for the network and host of "Livin' the Bream," a podcast on FOX News Radio. She has reported live from Capitol Hill, the Supreme Court ruling of DOMA, and the nomination...
Plot: Brainless bad guys, moronic motorists, senseless sportsmen, ridiculous risk-takers ... they're all featured in this collection of police and store surveillance videos, with the added bonus, if you can call it that, of commentary provided by such fallen stars as Danny Bonaduce, Todd Bridges, Leif Garrett...
Plot: New York natives Paul Teutul Sr and son Paul Teutul Jr of Orange County Choppers build and customise some of the most innovative motorcycles for celebrities and motorcycle enthusiasts.